Sciatica Treatment FAQs

Sciatica-related leg back pain can make it difficult to get through the day. If you're experiencing sciatica, we at Preferred Chiropractic in Atlanta, GA, are here to help. Let's take a look at some of the most common questions our patients ask about sciatica:


What Is Sciatica?

Sciatic is a symptom of problems with the sciatic nerve, which begins in the lower back. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and it runs down the back of each leg. 

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Symptoms of sciatica may include: 

  • Pain in the hips
  • Pain in one or both legs
  • Numbness and/or tingling in the affected areas
  • Difficulty standing up straight, especially first thing in the morning

The symptoms of sciatica can vary from person to person, both over extended periods of time and throughout the course of a day. If you've experienced sciatica in the past, you may experience it again in the future. 

Can Sciatica Cause Pain in Areas of the Body Other than the Legs?

Yes, sciatica pain tends to radiate down the legs but it can occur in other place as well, such as the lower back or hips. Severe sciatica can cause pain, numbness, and tingling that extends to the toes. If you have sciatica for an extended period of time, you may also find that you experience additional pain as your body works to compensate for changes in movement patterns that your body makes in an effort to avoid sciatica pain. 

How Is Sciatica Treated?

Thankfully, chiropractic care can offer relief for sciatica pain. When you come in for your appointment, we'll talk with you about your symptoms and examine your spine. A chiropractor on our team may recommend a variety of treatment modalities to help provide sciatica relief, including chiropractic adjustment, lifestyle changes, spinal decompression, and more.

Get Back Pain Treatment and Sciatica Treatment Near You from a Chiropractor Near You for Sciatica Relief

At Preferred Chiropractic in Atlanta, GA, we understand how painful it can be to live with sciatica and our team is here to help. We'd love to talk with you about your symptoms and create a plan that can help you get back to feeling your best. Call us at (404) 888-0666 for back pain treatment and sciatica treatment near you from a chiropractor near you for sciatica relief.

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